Nothing is impure and untouchable in biggest sanitation movement of the world (SBM: Gramin)

Our caste system in India derived from occupation since the ages, and within that lower most quintile has been represented by communities engaged with cleaning our shit and waste. However yesterday I witnessed a path breaking movement towards breaking the barrier of impurity and untouchability when I had the privilege to accompany a group of Senior Secretaries and Principal Secretaries from 23 states, SBM Mission Director, led by Sri Param Iyer, Secretary, MDWS, GoI heading the SBM (G) and his senior colleagues from the Ministry in Gangadevipally village of Warangal district, Telegana. Villagers there witnessed an amazing feat when Secretary GoI and his senior colleagues jumped inside the rural toilet pits and start taking out the compost made out of human faeces.  This might sound crazy but this movement requires such momentum to shake up our age old myths, barriers, taboos and social norms. Two pit toilet should not only be considered as a low cost, subsidised option for  rural poor but it should be perceived as an investment for the generation to come which is much scientific and profitable over septic tank toilets and other modern toilets. In sanitation movement of India nothing is waste. Impurity and untouchability is inside our mind not in the waste products. Let us try to reinvent a different coffee powder made out of decomposed human faeces which is 100 per cent free from pathogen, viruses and bacteria, smell like soil and with very good NPK ratio to act as organic fertilizer.


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